From the Vault: Star Wars - Rebels: A Star Wars Story: Holiday Special

From the Vault: Star Wars - Rebels: A Star Wars Story: Holiday Special
Two Jackets Productions

This week, we dig deep into the Jedi archives and uncover a very special holocron from Life Days past! It's a secret episode of ShamFiction that the guys recorded in the fall of 2015 before the show even began, which means you're in for a treat - or at least you would be if you considered a slight reduction in production values a treat! But what's that? You've got a bad feeling about this? Fear not, my young apprentice! Andrew is at the helm and he's not such a bad writer himself! He may not look like much, but he's got it where it counts. He'll make .5 past write speed... Anyhoo, away put your weapons, pour yourself a glass of blue milk, and come with us to a galaxy far, far away as Andrew writes Star Wars - Rebels!
